This hospital has a “CASUALTY DEPARTMENT FOR 24 HOURS EMERGENCY” services manned by highly experienced Neurosurgeons, Orthoapedic Surgeons, Anaesthetisian and Doctors traines for ICU Management. This hospital has a full fledged ‘Neurosurgery Unit’ and ‘Neurology Unit’ with OPD facility, operative facility and ICU for Neurosurgery cases with modern vantilators, bed-side multiparameter cardiac monitors for critically…
This hospital possesses 6 numbers of Operation Theatres fully equipped with latest equipments, monitoring system and ventilators for facilitating Laparoscopic Surgery, General Surgery, Orthopaedic, Paediatric & Gynaecological Operations, Hi Tech Microscopes for Plastic, Eye & ENT Surgeries, Hi Tech Neurosurgery O.T. with Microscope attached CCTV, pneumatic drills and most sophisticated Anaesthesia machines with hypoxic guard,…
This hospital offers a wide range of accommodation facility to the patients. There are General Beds, Private Cabins, Semi Deluxe Cabins Deluxe Cabins, AC Deluxe Cabins and Executive Suits. Apart from this the hospital provides a General (Economy) Ward for poor patients. This hospital also has 15 beds earmarked for offering free treatment to the…
Regular Out Patient Department Service is provided by experienced specialists/consultants of almost all specialties. We arrange the visits by renowned super-specialists from within and outside the state of Assam to provide best possible diagnostic evaluation and treatment for our patients, so that no extra expenses are made for travel outside the state for consultations and…
The main attraction of our diagnostic division is round the clock services. We ensure 24 hours a day, seven-days-a-week service of all our diagnostic facilities, so that there is no delay in vital management decisions in critically sick patients.
The dialysis unit is well equipped with 4 (four) latest Dialysis machines from GAMBRO. Both acetate and bicarbonate dialysis are done regularly. There is a special REVERSED OSMOSIS (RO) plant for water treatment, which reduces patient discomfort and complications. A dedicated machine is there for Hepatitis B patients.
Computerised Audiometry is done for diagnosis of hearing problems.
Full time neurologist mans this unit. Facilities include: Electroencephalography (EEG) Electromyography (EMG) Nerve Conduction Study (NCV) Brain stem evoked potentials – visual and auditory
Upper GI and Lower GI Endoscopy are done by most experienced doctors. Moreover, Variceal banding, Injection of varices and bleeding ulcers, Oesophageal stenting for Cancer of Oesophagus and Oesophageal dilatation are done on a regular basis.
The division is equipped with: Routine Computerized ECG on a Laser printer assures permanent record in contrast to the conventional thermal sensitive ECG papers, which fade away with time. Facilities for serial comparison of ECGs are also available. Echocardiography with COLOR DOPPLER study. Fully Automatic Computerized Stress ECG System with computerized reporting. STRESS ECHO is…